Dear Parents,
We live in a world surrounded by technology. We know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly hinge on understanding how technology works. But only a tiny fraction of us are learning computer science, and less students are studying it than a decade ago. That’s why our entire school is joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 5-11). More than 100 million students worldwide have already tried an Hour of Code. In the ES, our Hour of Code will take place in the classrooms and at home from December 1 - 13, 2016. Your child will begin coding in the classroom on December 1 and we are hoping your child will be excited to continue coding when they return home. We will provide a form for you to document your child’s time spent coding at home so we can add it to our goal. Our goal is for our elementary students to complete 705 hours of coding between December 1 and 13. In addition, we will be holding a Parent Hour of Code Event on Monday, December 5th from 9:00 to 10:00 in the MPR. Click on our Hour of Code Challenge page on the ES Tech Blog for more information and for some ideas on how to get your kids coding at home. Citation: Comments are closed.
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Unit Overview with link to Home Learning Tasks ES Tech Blog - a guide to apps and resources Ms. Brewster's Blog Ms. MacKenty's Blog Counselor's Corner Growth Mindset in Maths ASW Library Database Raz-Kids Teacher = kdunevant1 Mathletics Khan Academy ASW Website Archives
August 2018