Happy Holiday to all!
Things to do: - Play Stop Disasters Game and complete a mission report (pg. 3) - Discuss what courage means to you and who are some courageous people in your life - Read on Raz-Kids and complete reading quizzes - Continue your passion project research using ASW databases Our new unit overview: Where We Are in Place and Time - Courageous and resilient individuals have taken action to make the world a better place Lines of Inquiry
Maker Faire - Tuesday 24 April 9am - 3pm 3D will attend in the morning from 9:30-10:10 and again with our Grade 1 Reading Buddies from 12:30-1:10. Parents are welcome to join us! Check out our checklist with all stations here. Grade 3/4 Spring Concert Thursday 26 April 8:45-9:30
Note from Counselor’s Corner: Our school counselor, Ms. Hamlin, will be coming into classrooms these next few weeks to talk to students about child safety. The Objectives of the Child Protection Lessons: • to develop children’s self-esteem, assertiveness and self protective skills. • to teach children that they should always tell an adult about any situation which they find unsafe, upsetting, threatening or dangerous • to give children the skills necessary to enable them to recognise and resist abuse/victimisation/bullying • to teach the rules
Math Focus: On Tuesday and Thursday the kids are doing math rotations across the grade level. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we do math rotations just in our classroom with 3D's students. Next week, during the math rotations in our classroom, the students will be working on subtracting with regrouping. We have seen this is a struggle for the majority of our class. Please take a look at the website linked below with many great ideas on how to help your child understand how to regroup while subtracting: Strategies to Teach Subtraction with Regrouping Stay Hydrated: The temperatures are starting to (finally!) rise. Please send your child to school with a reusable water bottle each day. On warmer days, you may even consider leaving the water bottle in the freezer the night before school so they have cold water. Updated on ES ASA Dram Club Times: The ES After School Activities' Drama Club performance was incorrect in ENotes. The correct dates and times are: April 15 (Sunday) G4-5 12:00-1:00 PM and G2-3 1:30-2:45 PM April 16 (Monday) G4-5 6:00-7:00 PM April 17 (Tuesday) G2-3 6:00-7:00 PM How the World Works: The kids have selected a topic to research related to How the World Works. You and your child can research their topic together during Choice Learning Homework using the wonderful library databases for this unit: click here to explore our library resources for this unit of inquiry Happy Friday!!!!
We've had an exciting few weeks in 3D!! Our field trip to the Geological Museum left us with many questions to answer over the next few weeks. We also got to explore fossils from many different eras, the different topography of Poland, as well as, many different types of rocks. Last week, we prepared for our Student Led Conferences where students were the teachers to their parents. We were courageous communicators as we made our own individual plans for our parent meetings, which were all a great success! To continue our hands-on learning, we also had a local Geologist come in on Thursday to help us explore our Earth's form and resources. Check out all the great pictures below!! Happy Spring!!!
Important Links
Unit Overview with link to Home Learning Tasks ES Tech Blog - a guide to apps and resources aswestech.weebly.com/apps-and-tools.html Ms. Brewster's Blog http://msblearningsupport.weebly.com/ Ms. MacKenty's Blog http://asweal.weebly.com/ Counselor's Corner http://aswarsawelementary.weebly.com/counselors-corner Growth Mindset in Maths https://www.youcubed.org/ ASW Library Database https://sites.google.com/a/aswarsaw.org/asw-library-databases/ Raz-Kids www.kidsaz.com/main/Login Teacher = kdunevant1 Mathletics http://eu.mathletics.com/ Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/ ASW Website www.aswarsaw.org Archives
August 2018