Greetings all, The subscription button is fixed! You will now actually get updates when new posts go up! Please subscribe again and confirm through your email address. Also, please check out the links added to the right. Your child has their passwords taped into their blue folder. Our assembly was amazing!! It was all due to practice, practice, practice, and more practice. The students worked together to write, edit, revise, choreograph, and design their own skits. The hard worked all came together on Friday and everyone was extremely confident and proud. ASW Family Storytelling Night with Niall de Búrca On Thursday, October 6th, from 18:00 to 19:00, Irish storyteller Niall de Búrca will be weaving his magic in the ASW Theatre. He tells stories for all ages. His audiences describe him as bewitching, boisterous, exuberant, passionate, and absolutely unforgettable. Free admission. Our own story tellers! Greetings!
Please join us on Friday, September 30th for our Grade 3 Assembly. All of Grade 3 will be presenting to Grades 4 & 5, as well as Grade 3 Parents at 10am in the theatre. We've been working hard on our presentations and would be thrilled to have you join us. The assembly will last roughly one hour. A few other important notes for this week: 1. We are still collecting donations for the Single Mother's Home. Donations will be taken to the home on Tuesday morning, September 27th. A huge thank you to the parents who have already sent in donations! 2. Wednesday, September 28th is an early release day for teacher professional development. Students will be released at 11:30am. 3. Thursday, September 29th after lunch students will have their individual photos taken. 4. Friday, September 30th we will take our class photo. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday! Have a great week, Katherine & Sylwia Greetings all! Lots of updates this week:
This week was filled with lots of activities. One Monday we worked together to create visuals of our times tables to represents the numbers in different groups. It was also a timed challenge so we had to work quickly and efficiently with our groups. We also started our MAPs tests with Reading on Monday and Math on Tuesday. We did great! Tuesday, Ms Brewster came to challenge us with a cooperation activity. We had to work together to quickly and safely move a ball around between us – we were so efficient that we beat the 5th graders time! We also kept going with our MAP tests (which we breezed through!) and we celebrated Berni’s birthday. Wednesday, Ms Hamlin made her weekly visit to continue teaching us about mindfulness. We also celebrated International Peace Day by learning about its history and being inspired by the movement that was started by one person’s idea. Thursday, we started getting ready for our assembly performance on Friday, September 30th. We also continued to practice our logic SMARTs by looking for the patters in our multiplication tables. We were creative writers as we sort our words and collaborate to make interesting sentences. ![]() Friday, we continued to be creative thinkers as we worked on our skits for assembly. We also became super writers by editing and revising our writing. Finally, we had another birthday to celebrate - Harman! Happy Friday!!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The ASW elementary school counselors would like to help service the needs and wants of our students and parent community the best that we can. We have created a survey that we feel will help us when planning out our year-long goals for this school year. Please click the following link and answer the following questions by checking the box that most fits your choice so we may use this information when planning our school counseling activities. We will distribute this same survey at the end of the year to measure program success. Your input is extremely important to us! Dear families,
My name is Rachel Breault and I am a 3rd grade teacher here at A.S.W. I have been using belly breathing (aka mindfulness practice) with the students in my classroom for the past four years. I would like to extend the invitation to all students by offering a morning Belly Breathing Workshop. I have been trained by the Mindfulness in Education group in Oakland, California and have attended numerous workshops on meditation. Your child's teacher recommended that your student might benefit from this opportunity. Here are the details: What: A daily belly breathing class where I will lead children through breathing exercises. The aim is to help kids with self-monitoring their behavior and provide them with tools they can use to calm themselves and find peace of mind. Who: Any student who needs help with calming down, dealing with their emotions, are impulsive, suffer from anxiety, or would just benefit from this quiet time before their school day begins. When: We will meet in my room (E-133) each day from 8-8:10am, Monday-Friday, starting October 3-October 21st. Why: Because I am a firm believer that belly breathing will provide self-management tools that are indispensable for your child! How do I sign up my student? Simply email me ([email protected]) the following information: Parent name: Child's name: Child's grade and teacher: Why do you think your child would benefit from Belly Breathing?: I will email you a confirmation to let you know if your child will be participating in the workshop. Have a great day, Ms. Breault Greetings all, This week we continued our investigation into nutritional science, improved our writing by learning more adjectives, learned how to practice mindfulness, increased our reading stamina, and examined how our multiplication groups were different.
We continued to build our reading stamina with both independent and partner reading practice. Reading with a partner is so much more than just reading! Dinis and Qingtian taught us to be good partner readers by sitting elbow to elbow and knee to knee (EEKK) and to talk about our connections to the text as well as support our partners with their expression and pronunciation. We are awesome at Math! We went deeper with our multiplication to create real examples to help explain how, even though they equal the same total, 2x4 and 4x2 are very different groups. Our Math Master, Helena, showed us a different way to problem solve. HAPPY FRIDAY!!
It was wonderful to meet parents on Thursday! Thank you for your time and we’re looking forward to meeting with you all on Tuesday for our ‘Hopes and Dreams’ conversation. A gentle reminder, this is a conversation between parents and teachers only.
HAPPY FRIDAY! Greetings parents, Thank you for joining us this evening! Please find attached our presentation information. Also, look to your email for the Parent Led Conference sign up form. Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday! Kind regards, Katherine |
Important Links
Unit Overview with link to Home Learning Tasks ES Tech Blog - a guide to apps and resources Ms. Brewster's Blog Ms. MacKenty's Blog Counselor's Corner Growth Mindset in Maths ASW Library Database Raz-Kids Teacher = kdunevant1 Mathletics Khan Academy ASW Website Archives
August 2018