We are so thankful! As we bring our How We Express Ourselves inquiry unit to a close, students worked on a project to showcase their creativity, understanding of communication through images, and how images can connect our global community. Check out their messages to the world via their blogs! All links can be found on the About Us page of our blog.
Happy Birthday Wendy!!
Dear Parents,
We live in a world surrounded by technology. We know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly hinge on understanding how technology works. But only a tiny fraction of us are learning computer science, and less students are studying it than a decade ago. That’s why our entire school is joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 5-11). More than 100 million students worldwide have already tried an Hour of Code. In the ES, our Hour of Code will take place in the classrooms and at home from December 1 - 13, 2016. Your child will begin coding in the classroom on December 1 and we are hoping your child will be excited to continue coding when they return home. We will provide a form for you to document your child’s time spent coding at home so we can add it to our goal. Our goal is for our elementary students to complete 705 hours of coding between December 1 and 13. In addition, we will be holding a Parent Hour of Code Event on Monday, December 5th from 9:00 to 10:00 in the MPR. Click on our Hour of Code Challenge page on the ES Tech Blog for more information and for some ideas on how to get your kids coding at home. Citation: http://hourofcode.com/us On Monday, students were given a 'Kindness Challenge' which will take us up to the December break. Each day students should try to attempt a random act of kindness to help people, the earth, or other living things.
The PTO is sponsoring a book fair on November 22 and 23 with the proceeds going to our ASW library. All elementary students will have the chance to attend the book fair with their class. We will have a wide variety of books available including picture books, easy readers, fiction, non-fiction, and popular series. There will be many children’s books in the 15 to 50 PLN price range, with some more or less expensive depending on the vendor. Volunteers will be on hand to help the children choose books and figure out money. Tuesday, Nov. 22 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Wednesday, Nov. 23 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Place: Main entrance and hallway near the cafeteria 3D students will go Tuesday afternoon as a class, but you are welcome to go with your child before or after school. In Math, we reviewed time and explored how we could use our understanding of multiplication to figure out elapsed time. Fun with story cubes!! We learned how to use Explain Everything to make our own teaching video which explains how multiplication and division are connected. Request for Holiday Decorations! After school on Thursday, December 1st we will be decorating the classroom for the holidays. There are many things to celebrate this December; if you have any decorations which will help to celebrate an event which is important to your family, please send them in with your child and we will gladly put them up in the classroom. All decorations will be returned in January. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
This week we explored the various ways we can be creative. We were surprised to learn that we can be creative in more ways than just art class; we can be creative with our writing, in math, during sports, with the way we dress, and even with the way we read. We explored and examined images to find out how we can communicate without words. We also had fun thinking about the different perspectives of image interpretation. This week we explored measurement. Students worked in groups to list all the different ways we measure and the units we use to measure. Happy Independence Day!!!
Greetings and welcome back! We had a short week but really enjoyed sharing all the different parts of our holidays. We presented to the class and we also posted updates to our blogs, which will soon be linked to the class website. We began a new unit in Math where we explored place value and how we create new numbers. Finally we talked more about perspective and creativity and used our skills to create our own ‘Dot’ creation and our own memes. Happy Friday!!!
Important Links
Unit Overview with link to Home Learning Tasks ES Tech Blog - a guide to apps and resources aswestech.weebly.com/apps-and-tools.html Ms. Brewster's Blog http://msblearningsupport.weebly.com/ Ms. MacKenty's Blog http://asweal.weebly.com/ Counselor's Corner http://aswarsawelementary.weebly.com/counselors-corner Growth Mindset in Maths https://www.youcubed.org/ ASW Library Database https://sites.google.com/a/aswarsaw.org/asw-library-databases/ Raz-Kids www.kidsaz.com/main/Login Teacher = kdunevant1 Mathletics http://eu.mathletics.com/ Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/ ASW Website www.aswarsaw.org Archives
August 2018